As you are learning, cybercriminals are using new and creative ways to get into your network. An area that is garnering a lot of steam for them right now is in the sphere of web searches and browsing.  

Many of our clients not only want to protect their network from malware attacks, but they want to keep their employees from going onto websites that are not related to their jobs. In addition, their business needs protection against malware hidden within advertising that might sneak onto their network.  

I’m certain you probably have the same concerns. Today’s post will define these terms, why filters are important and what our company can do to help protect yours from these types of infringements.  

What is a Web Filter?  

This is a program that can screen an incoming Web URL to determine whether some or all of it should be displayed to the user. The filter checks the content of a Web page against a set of rules provided by us.  

A Web filter allows your organization to block out pages that are likely to include: 

  • Objectionable advertising 
  • Pornographic content 
  • Violent sites 
  • Gambling websites 
  • Weapons categories 
  • Social Media 
  • Spyware 
  • Viruses 

Web filters reduce employee recreational Internet surfing and secure networks from Web-based threats. 


What is Domain Name Systems (DNS) Content Filtering?  

DNS content filtering is a cloud-based Internet filter also prevents network users from visiting unsafe or prohibited websites.

This is an additional layer to a web filter because it uses machine learning and contextual analysis to gain a deeper insight into a network’s threats. By using discrete URL categories, malicious and/or undesirable websites can be blocked.  


What is Malvertising?  

Malvertising is a malicious form of Internet advertising used to spread malware. It encourages users to download a PDF or sign up for an offering that drops ransomware onto your server.  


What are the Benefits of a Web/DNS Filtering Solution?

Great Return on Investment
Return on Investment is the main reason you should consider moving toward filtering protection. Here is an example:

Your employee earns $25/hour
They spend two hours a day on non-work-related websites ($50 lost revenue per day)
The workweek is 40 hours, most workers come in 50 weeks per year
ANNUAL WAGES LOST Per Employee: $50 x 5 days x 50 weeks = $12,500 

You have 40 employees: $12,500 x 40 = $500,000 PER YEAR LOST 

 Our solution will cost a fraction that loss!

Productivity Acceleration
Now that you have been given two hours a day back per employee, they can focus on the work at hand without disruption.  

Automatic Protection from Malicious Activity
By preventing access to troublesome sites, the number of machines infected with viruses or other malicious software drops drastically.  

JoLee Consultants Now Offers a Web/DNS Solution

As your trusted technology advisor, we are now offering this filtering solution for your business! Give us a call at (516) 208-2554 to discuss how we can help!