Running a busy dental practice, you may be putting off vendor requests to show you their latest and greatest application upgrades. While it is easy to push these suppliers off and think they are only trying to sell you something, there is real value in hearing them out – especially when it comes to cybersecurity protection.  

Let’s take a step back and dissect what you need to make an intelligent decision about the matter.  


Six Things to Consider  


Upgrade Versus Update 

Many vendors use these terms interchangeably, when in fact they should not be.  An upgrade is a major overhaul of the operating system or application. You are moving to a brand-new level.  An update fixes a bug, adds layers of security or provides more code stability.  From a cybersecurity standpoint, the latest upgrades and updates help keep hackers at bay.  


Operating System 

Is your application running on the latest operating system? For PCs, that’s Windows 10. For Macs, it ranges from 10.6 to 10.13 depending on the hardware. If you aren’t sure, check the Microsoft or Apple websites.  

If your current dental management system does not run on the latest OS, find out when it will be available and how much the software upgrade will cost. If the answer is there are no plans to upgrade, you will need to make plans move to another dental management system.  



One of the reasons for a software upgrade has to do with improved functionality, which should put your practice in a more competitive position. Before upgrading, have the vendor complete a side-by-side analysis of the old versus new version and share with you the migration benefits.  Find out the cost, time to convert, how often they back up your data and whether your staff needs to be trained on the new version.


During your operating system and application investigation, you may learn your hardware is too old for any software upgrades. If this is the case, laptops and tablets are often a good solution. Look for devices that have a long battery life, are lightweight and have a screen large enough for you see to see the app clearly while with patients.


Due to data privacy concerns and hacking possibilities, more and more regulations are coming on the scene. Of course, HIPPA is a must have. Look to your cybersecurity experts and dental management provider to keep you up-to-date on all compliance guidelines.  


Loss of Data

It is important to find out if the software company or cloud provider will cover your fines in the event the data is lost or stolen (i.e. hacking, Act of God, fire). If they do not, you may wish to obtain additional insurance. If they do, read the policy carefully and understand what is covered before completing the business transaction.   


JoLee Consultants are Here to Help 

Our Team provides workstation and software installation, network configuration and cybersecurity monitoring. Give us a call at 516-208-2554 to learn how we can assist your dental practice!